Church Planters called to serve in the region of Malaga, Spain.
According to Gallup International study, Spain was ranked #5 as the most irreligious country in the world, followed by China, Hong Kong, Japan and Czech Republic.
Of 52 million Spaniards, only 1.4% are evangelical believers.
Europe is now considered an unreached continent and is the least reached continent in the world.

Go and make disciples
of all nations.
Passionate disciples
and thriving churches reaching the unreached.
For God. For people.
For the city. For the world.
Establishing and multiplying gospel centered, city focused church communities in Southern Spain.

Church Planting
Facilitating reformed, gospel-driven community by anchoring ourselves in a community, maintain a visible presence as a church, and developing meaningful relationships.
Bridge Building
Connecting the local church to the community through English camps, sports camps, church retreats, and outreach events to build relationships and facilitate the spread of the gospel.
Disciple Making
Developing and mobilizing future workers, pastors & leaders by raising up local church leaders and developing an internship program for training future missionary workers.