Church Planters called to serve in the region of Malaga, Spain.
Go and
make disciples
of all nations.

This is us.
Our team vision is to adhere to God’s call to go and make disciples of all nations and help advance the gospel of Christ in Europe through planting churches in Southern Spain in cities and towns that have little to no current evangelical presence.
Nurturing Relationships
Developing pastors in church leadership
Mobilizing future workers
Fostering fellowship and connection

We are the Jorgensen and Innocent families, a team of church planters preparing to serve in Southern Spain.
Our team envisions a movement of healthy churches planted in multiple locations throughout Southern Spain the are reproducing healthy disciples, leaders, and congregations. We desire to plant churches that plant churches.
Sending Organizations
Currently our team is in the phase of support development, with plans to move to Southern Spain by Fall 2023. We will spend 12 - 18 months in intensive language school before entering the church planting phase. Our current goal is to plant a church by 2025 in collaboration with both local and international networks and ministries. Please follow us for more updates and information.